Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 3

  • there are software and hardware that needed in my project. other than that, i have to do some research about what is RFID and barcode. 
  • In my case, this project focusing on budget planning during shopping time. in specific, if a customer have a certain amount of money that he/she plan to spend, he/she can scan the barcode of the item, and the balance price will show. so, when he/she wants to pay at the payment counter, they already know how much money they should pay rather than being chaotic during the payment. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Week 2

Meeting with my supervisor, Madam Noor Hidayah Bt Mohd Yunus and gave a general idea of what I'm interested with. She gave me an idea regarding with RFID for shopping budget.

She decided a really good title which is 'Development of RFID based Barcode Reader System in Spending Items'. My title has been approved and registered on FYP BMI website.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 1

Hello !

 The first week of my 5th semester and I'm taking FYP 1 for my bachelor. in this week, we are having the first briefing at Gemilang Hall.