Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week 4

 There are some research what should I know about RFID.

RFID stands for Radio-Frequency IDentification. It is a generic term for technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects.

An RFID system consists of: 
  •  a scanning antenna
  • a transceiver with a decoder to interpret the data
  • a transponder - tag - has been programmed
There are two types of transponder
  • passive
  • active

                                                            Active RFID                                            Passive RFID
PowerBattery operatedNo internal power
Required Signal StrengthLowHigh
Communication RangeLong range (100m+)Short range (3m)
Range Data StorageLarge read/write data (128kb)Small read/write data (128b)
Per Tag CostGenerally, $15 to $100Generally, $0.15 to $5.00
Tag SizeVaries depending on application“Sticker” to credit card size
Fixed Infrastructure CostsLower – cheaper interrogatorsHigher – fixed readers
Per Asset Variable CostsHigher – see tag costLower – see tag cost
Best Area of UseHigh volume assets moving within designated areas (“4 walls”) in random and dynamic systemsHigh volume assets moving through fixed choke points in definable, uniform systems
Industries/ApplicationsAuto dealerships, Auto Manufacturing, Hospitals – asset tracking, Construction, Mining, Laboratories, Remote monitoring, IT asset managementSupply chain, High volume manufacturing, Libraries/book stores, Pharmaceuticals, Passports, Electronic tolls, Item level tracking
In my project, passive RFID is more suitable because it is much smaller and there is no power needed. Furthermore, passive RFID is cheaper compared to active RFID.